Giving You Everything
The Giving you Everything Podcast is about embracing all the parts of ourselves. This podcast is for anyone who has felt like they couldn't bring their full selves to the table. I interview women entrepreneurs who enjoy the ins and outs of reality tv. This podcast is grounded in the idea that as women, particularly female entrepreneurs and professionals, we are often pressured to hide certain parts of ourselves. We will spend the first half of our show focused on the guest’s reality tv show of choice. The second half of the show we will talk about how these incredible entrepreneurs built their businesses, even while enjoying all that reality tv. I started this show so that you can see entrepreneurs and professionals bring their whole selves to the table and hopefully you feel connected, seen, and inspired to show a little bit more of what makes you unique in this world!
Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/vicwhit or https://www.instagram.com/givingyoueverythingpodcast
And find out more about my services at www.victoriawhittaker.com
Giving You Everything
Reality in Leadership: From Tech Strategy to Fintech Founder, Learning from Management Styles of Below Deck Med, and Navigating Capital Raising and Scaling w/ Jessica Baier
Let’s be honest, managing money is incredibly difficult. More often than not, we know what to do but we don’t have the mindset to put it into action! Today on the Giving You Everything Podcast, Jessica Baier joins us to discuss her incredible business, Habit Money, and her favorite reality TV show, Below Deck. Tuning in, you’ll hear all about the captains, crew, and incredibly interesting dynamics of Below Deck and how reality TV helps Jessica wind down. We delve into her business, how she started it, the difficulties she’s faced, how she approaches fund-raising and partnership, and her goals for Habit Money and her career. Jessica even explains the importance of separating your self-worth from what you are producing in your business before telling us what she values in Habit Money (and the people she likes to bring on board). Finally, our guest shares some insightful advice for budding female entrepreneurs. To hear all this and be inspired to trust your gut, press play now!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Jessica tells us about herself, her upbringing, her college experience, and being a founder.
- How she got into reality TV, Below Deck, the dynamics, and our favorite people on the show.
- Why reality TV helps Jessica wind down and disconnect from her work.
- Jessica tells us about her business, Habit Money, and how she started it.
- The biggest hurdles Jessica faced starting Habit Money, especially as a female entrepreneur.
- The importance of trusting your gut and separating your self-worth from your output.
- How Jessica approaches fund-raising and partnership.
- The kinds of people she wants to bring into her business and why she values diversity.
- Our guest’s main goal for Habit Money and what drives her in her career.
- Jessica shares advice for female entrepreneurs about trusting their guts!
- Why listeners should be watching Sister Wives.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Jessica Baier on LinkedIn
Jessica Baier on Instagram
Habit Money
Below Deck
Sister Wives
Victoria Whittaker
Victoria Whittaker on Instagram
Victoria Whittaker on LinkedIn
Giving You Everything Podcast
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Also, feel free to follow me on Instagram or learn more about me and my services at www.victoriawhittaker.com
We drop episodes every other Tuesday! See you in two weeks!