Giving You Everything
The Giving you Everything Podcast is about embracing all the parts of ourselves. This podcast is for anyone who has felt like they couldn't bring their full selves to the table. I interview women entrepreneurs who enjoy the ins and outs of reality tv. This podcast is grounded in the idea that as women, particularly female entrepreneurs and professionals, we are often pressured to hide certain parts of ourselves. We will spend the first half of our show focused on the guest’s reality tv show of choice. The second half of the show we will talk about how these incredible entrepreneurs built their businesses, even while enjoying all that reality tv. I started this show so that you can see entrepreneurs and professionals bring their whole selves to the table and hopefully you feel connected, seen, and inspired to show a little bit more of what makes you unique in this world!
Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/vicwhit or https://www.instagram.com/givingyoueverythingpodcast
And find out more about my services at www.victoriawhittaker.com
Giving You Everything
Time to give you everything: My own raw story, journey, and why I do what I do
Tuning in today, Victoria tells her own story. She removes all the layers and tells you how she came to be! From the good things to the hard things. And she touches on how that shapes in purpose, her path, and what she does today!
Key Points From This Episode
- Welcoming listeners to a solo podcast today!
- An overview of my upbringing, over-achieving spirit, and how my ethnicity has shaped me.
- How my life shifted from a very difficult situation.
- Choosing to invest in myself and what that looked like for me.
- How I help other people redefine what success is for them.
- The importance of addressing limiting beliefs.
- Why sharing who you are with people is beneficial.
- What my story means for the podcast and what you can expect from it going forward.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Victoria Whittaker
Victoria Whittaker on Instagram
Victoria Whittaker on LinkedIn
Thank you so much for listening to The Giving You Everything Podcast! Would love it if you could leave me a review on Apple or Spotify, so I can continue to reach more people!
Also, feel free to follow me on Instagram or learn more about me and my services at www.victoriawhittaker.com
We drop episodes every other Tuesday! See you in two weeks!