Giving You Everything

Finding the Way Back to Ourselves: Spirituality and Entrepreneurship with my Own Coach Bindi Stables

Victoria Whittaker Season 2 Episode 8
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00:00 | 49:43

Spirituality is often considered a taboo subject, but the truth is that it has a huge impact on who we are, and subsequently, our lives and businesses. Today, we are joined by Victoria’s very own life coach, Bindi Stables, to discuss spirituality and entrepreneurship. In this conversation, you’ll hear all about Bindi’s life, journey through spirituality, time as a monk, and what her hypothetical reality TV show would look like. We delve into how she holds space for people with different spiritual beliefs before discussing the importance of finding your own beliefs beyond those that organized religion imposes. We even talk about how Bindi connects her spirituality to her business as she walks us through her career path and pivotal moments in her time as a coach. Finally, Bindi tells us how God is in money and shares advice for any female entrepreneurs. Thanks for listening in!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • A brief overview of today’s guest, Bindi Stables, and her life in Bali. 
  • Bindi’s TV habits (or lack thereof) and what her reality TV show would look like. 
  • Insight into her spiritual journey and what led her to her beliefs today. 
  • How she holds space for people with different spiritual beliefs from her.
  • The importance of finding your true beliefs beyond organized religion. 
  • What Bindi takes from her spirituality and how she connects it to her business. 
  • The multitude of different forms her business has taken over the years. 
  • How she monetizes her gifts after living as a monk who made no money. 
  • Some of Bindi’s greatest desires as she continues to grow her business. 
  • Advice for female entrepreneurs wanting to start their businesses.
  • The spirituality book that Bindi suggests listeners should read. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Bindi Stables

Bindi Stables on Facebook

Bindi Stables on Instagram

Vibrant You Podcast on Apple Podcasts

Awakening Shakti

Victoria Whittaker

Victoria Whittaker on Instagram

Victoria Whittaker on LinkedIn

Giving You Everything Podcast

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